How to not get stressed in the gym

Aug. 28, 2022

I’m not going to lie, there was a time when I was terrified to go to the gym alone and always had to have a friend there with me. But as I went more and more it became much more comfortable over time. Now it is my safe space that I go to to find comfort, here’s what helped me!

— Before you get to the gym:

PLAN YOUR WORKOUT AHEAD OF TIME! Know what you’re doing and how to do it so that you aren’t stressing once you get there. Even I still sometimes google the correct form of an exercise while I’m in the gym, there’s no shame in wanting to do it right! But planning ahead can prevent a lot of stress that comes with being in the gym

— While you’re at the gym:

WEAR SOMETHING YOU FEEL CONFIDENT & COMFORTABLE IN! Wear the matching set if it makes you feel your best, or wear the sweatpants if you know that’s what you’re most comfortable in. I want all you lovely people to feel confident in wearing whatever you want, but when it comes to stress, know yourself and what will allow you to focus on your workout and not worry about your body

— After you leave the gym:

REFLECT ON YOUR WORKOUT! You should write down the exercises you do, amount of reps and sets, and how much weight you used. If one weight was too heavy, take note of that to go down in weight next time, and vice versa. Also if there were exercises you were confused about, spend time looking up the correct way to do it so you can try again next time. Everyone in the gym is constantly working on themselves, nobody is perfect, so don’t have shame in trying exercises or weights a few times until it feels right :)

— And always:

REMEMBER THAT EVERYONE IS ONLY LOOKING AT THEMSELVES! Every single person in that gym was a beginner at one point, and they are there to work on themselves, they aren’t there to look at you! (And if they are that’s f*ing creepy & you shouldn’t care what they think anyway lol) Just take things slow, go at your own pace, and do what you're comfortable with <3


“every workout should be harder than the last”


goals in the gym