21 things I’ve learned by 21
apr. 5, 2023
If you are kind to your body it will be kind to you back
If something is meant to be, it will be, so trust the process
The only rule in life is to not hurt yourself or others, otherwise do whatever makes you happy
Food is not the enemy
You are the only constant in your life, learn to be okay with being alone
Everyone should go to therapy
Don’t worry about the future so much and focus on your present happiness more, it will make you much happier overall
You have no idea what others are going through, be kind
Deep breathes and a few minutes of meditation is highly underrated
No matter how much you believe things can never get better, they can
Taking a step back from a situation can cause you to realize a lot
It’s okay to not have a routine & just go with the flow
Your mental health is more important than anything else, take care of it
Be picky about who you give your energy & emotions to
Being open about things that are considered personal will make others feel a lot more comfortable to open up to you about similar things; be a safe space and you’ll find out a lot
Give yourself rest before you get burnt out, no one is immune to burnout
If you can’t stop thinking about food, EAT, that’s your body telling you it’s hungry I don’t care if your stomach isn’t growling
Traveling is an amazing thing and you should try to see as many places as you can
Manifestation is real; put out the energy that you want to receive
There is no food that’s more unhealthy for you than an unhealthy relationship with food
It’s not your responsibility to teach people what is right or wrong, protect your peace