why i post pictures of my body
mar. 7, 2022
tw: ED
a little while ago i made a post talking about how as i am recovering from my ED, i have gained weight & it’s been a hard thing to accept
if you have been keeping up with my posts you probably have noticed that i have been posting a lot more gym related content where i show my body
you may be confused , how am i struggling with my body image but also posting it all over social media???
idk if you’ve ever heard the saying that “the more time you spend naked, the more comfortable you’ll be in your body.” this is the same thought process! by not hiding from myself, i am learning to accept my body for how it is. and instead of focusing on my weight gain as a bad thing, i am using it as an opportunity to document my growth & strength both physically + mentally throughout this journey
fake it until you make it baby , manifest a good body image & confidence and it will come with time, i promise. i am no where near done with my journey but by not hiding from my body, it has made it easier to accept <3